Voltage X 團隊正在尋找積極進取、充滿熱情和主動的人才加入我們!
如果您認爲適合在一個充滿創意、歡樂和靈活度高的環境中工作, 發送電郵給我們 或者點擊下面的「申請」按鈕,列明您想要申請的職位,向我們發送您的完整履歷。
Key Skills Required:
- Fluency in written & spoken English & Cantonese (Mandarin – a plus)
- Degree in a related discipline or with record of equivalent experience
- Minimum 1-2 years of PR (in-house or agency) experience with existing media friends
- Demonstrate clear understanding of PR practices and strategy
- Undertaken PR Activities include/ not limited to: Media Pitching & Liaison, Writing & Editing Press Material, Press Hosting & Reporting
- Entrepreneurial spirit: strong work ethic, accountable, team player, outside of the box thinker
- Eligible to work in Hong Kong
Job description and responsibilities:
- Develop PR strategy for Clients, often in conjunction with the director of marketing or communications
- Develop PR timeline and execute
- Secure media coverage and report results to the wider team and clients
- Event planning and onsite support
- Cultivate and maintain good relationship with media, celebrities and influencers
- Brainstorm creative ideas for PR campaigns
- Excellent writing and editing skills
- Inter-personal skills are vital for developing relationships with media representatives, handling difficult situations and advising people within your organisation
- Speaking, presentation skills and the ability to organise and plan PR strategies together with the tactics needed to achieve your ambitions
- In-depth knowledge of the workings of the local, regional, broadcast and online media
關於 Voltage X