16/11/2022 公司最新消息 Voltage X Voltage X 登上 AM730 感謝 AM730 刊登 Voltage X 的專訪。隨著 PR 公共關係和營銷策略的超速發展和變化,我們明白在這個行業中必須與時俱進、不斷進化。 Voltage X 作爲一家全方位廣告營銷公司,望能填補了行業中的某些需求。我們明白單一的公關公司未必提供全面服務,部分合作項目需要外判第三方負責,難免令整體市場活動欠缺連貫性。我們察覺到這個需求,最終使 Voltage PR 和 X-Act Digital 合併,成為了 Voltage X。 點擊閲讀(中文報導): https://www.am730.com.hk/本地/biz勝派丨引爆客戶話題-voltage-x公關營銷一條龍/348046 - 聯絡我們 - WhatsApp: +852 9168 8209 電郵: [email protected] 聯絡我們
04/09/2023數碼營銷公司最新消息公關 Voltage X Voltage X employs integrated marketing strategy to harness the ever-changing market Voltage X has transcended the socio-economic turbulence in the last few years with an integrated mar 閲讀更多
18/08/2023公司最新消息 Voltage X Voltage X was Awarded at PR Awards 2023 Voltage X is thrilled to share the exciting news that the highly acclaimed “E-dining Campaign 閲讀更多
28/07/2023公司最新消息 Voltage X Voltage X’s Commitment to Sustainability We’re proud to share that Voltage X has been awarded the Green Office Scheme certification for 閲讀更多